Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hey gals.
I love this idea. I hope we can post and keep in touch easier. Sorry I sort of suck at it. I now have three blog... one of which I update regularly (but it's for school so I'm not sure I should count it). The other I started this summer- and by started, I mean I posted once- with the intention of writing more. Um, it hasn't really worked out. I always have these ideas of things I want to do but then I don't follow through with them. Wah. So, I've been thinking, I'd really LOVE it if we can plan a reunion soon in Indy. How about September or November? October is pretty full for me. I wouldn't be able to do the first (Labor Day weekend) or the 2nd to last (23rd-25th) weekend in September. Let's talk weekends & plan this thing! I miss you all a lot-lot.

Things have been pretty great here. I'm about one month into school & it's going well. Kids are fun and they always keep things interesting (and somewhat frustrating some days). But that's all right. They're middle schoolers, it's their job. I'm helping with Cross Country when I can & I've really enjoyed that.

Noah is doing well. He's balancing his time between Chicago's, Landscaping, and physically injuring himself. He cut his knee just the other day (11 stitches!) with some trimmers at work & a couple weeks ago he sprained/possibly fractured his wrist. But he's a tough cookie and he's doing just fine.

I think I mentioned this to you all, but we have been looking for a new church. We have gone to one in particular that I've really enjoyed it. If you guys come to visit maybe we'll go there. It's an awesome mix of tradition and contemporary. So, we shall see where we end up!

Ruby is doing great. She was sick for a little while (with worms- I will spare you the disgusting details), but is all better now. I also realized I was feeding her 3x the amount of food she needed... whoops. She's just chubby and cuter now! :) I guess the recommended amount on the feeding chart on the back of the dog food bag is the DAILY amount not the amount per meal. Hehee... I can't wait for you all to meet her! She loves EVERYone including anything that moves/breaths/glances at her. Also she rings a bell now when she needs to go outside. It's adorable.

In other news, I've been painting & I love it. I wish I had Alyssa around to help me be AWESOME. Maybe I'll post some pictures soon. On the topic of random information, I got a haircut today. Don't know if I'm crazy about it. It looked way cuter in the salon. I think it may grow on me. Neil and Liz are getting married in 6 weeks. We are super excited for that! Love that girl.

Anyway, I am headed to dinner with Noah's mom & Amanda. Love you girls! Post post post!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Post Number ONE

Hi there!

Bethany had this idea ages ago to start a blog so we can update each on our fabulous lives. So, naturally, I stole it and started this blog. I named it "late night binge" because when I think back on our college years together, my favorite times usually included our nightly runs to McDonald's for cinnamon bites or whatever else we happened to have a taste for. I hope you will all keep the blog updated with your happenings regularly. I miss you all so much! I am hoping this will keep us connected and close.

My recent update:
1. Can't find a job. Pretty much have given up applying and have accepted that I will be buried in Quincy. We have two new dietitians and I like them very, very much. That makes life a little better.
2. I have gotten a second job! On a whim, I saw a restaurant was hiring servers so I went in and they hired me on the spot. I start training this week!
3. Mark and I have booked a trip to MIAMI in October. I CAN'T WAIT. We got the deal on "LivingSocial" (groupon...) for cheap, it's a fabulous resort on its own island.
4. I have become a Quincy-native: I listen to country now (am going to Missouri State Fair next weekend to hear my new favorite country artists), I say "sody" instead of soda, I eat supper, not dinner, and I bathe about once per week. Please come visit!
5. I am having a career crisis and thinking of returning to school. Maybe for baking? I'm not sure.

That is my short and sweet update. I hope we can use this to post small things, big posts, everything under the sun. I love you all and miss you loads!